Sunday, February 8, 2009

Easiest way to Earn $ 1000 per month. Just by reading the Commercial advertisement ads.

Discover how thousands of people are getting paid daily, just by reading the ads in the email. Not only for Americans or United Kingdom peoples, now it is available to All over World.

Give me 5 Minutes, I will show you how to make this incredible income from internet in your free time, which will skyrocket your life style. It is the great internet earning opportunity, to earn via internet. Please read this page twice or till your understand it. It is very simple and easy way to make atleast $ 1000 per month. is exclusively designed for persons who wants to earn money through Home based internet jobs without any investment, who can spend only few hours in a day.

What is the actual work?

We will provide you the list of 1000's of advertising companies. Just you have to register yourself with the companies for free. They are free to join. No need to pay anything to join with them. After your registration, they will send you the emails, just you have to open and click the link provided in the mail. in some case, they will ask you to visit their website. For this little work, they are giving a very good payment for you. See, how it is very easy job. Is it harder to you??. Anyone can do this job with a basic computer & internet knowledge.

Why I am getting paid for this?

You are getting paid for visiting their website or clicking their link, for that website owners are providing the money to the advertising websites and they are paying you. Different companies have different products in their country, they wish to advertise their product to all over the world. So they are promoting or advertising their product like this. It creates many things like popularity, Brand Loyalty, Better image on them.

Do I have to purchase any thing from them to get paid?

No, Absolutely not. They are paying you to view their ads & product details over the internet as the advertisement. It is called paid-to-view ads. So, more of them like you see their products ad over the internet. It is just like watching the Television ads. But it will not pay you any thing, but you are purchasing the same product in the market. Hence, it becomes the most popular product of the market and dominates it. Just like that, but the different is, they are paying you plus the additional benefit is, no need of compulsory purchase. The websites pay you to view the ads of their advertisers who are advertising on the Internet due to its wider reach. Just like on Television, you view ads but you hardly buy that product. But the more ads a company gives the more popular its products become and it creates a market of its own.

In what way do I will get my payments?

All your payments will be paid by Cheque to the address you have provided at the time of registration. All the payments will be paid by the advertiser company. Some of them pay you thru Paypal, Safepay, Stormpay & E-gold. If you are not having any of the account with the payment processor, we are providing it free for you.

Is there any quantification to join this business opportunity?

No, But you have to have the basic computer and internet knowledge. Main thing is up to your interest on the job.

When will I get paid?

You will be paid by the international company, once your account reaches the minimum balance fixed by them. Different companies have different minimum balance from $1 to $100. Whenever you are reaching the minimum balance, you can withdraw your amount and it is paid by the payment type you have selected at the time of registration. Until that you amount will collect in your account. You can check your earnings at any time by logging on into your account.

Do i have to have an office for this job or how long to work?

No, you can work from your home are where you have the computer with internet connection. There is no fixed time like 8.00a.m. to 5.00p.m. It is fully up to you. You can work in your free time or in your leisure time.

How much do I will be paid for this job?

It depends on the number of hours you work & the number of websites you registered with. But if you work as per our instruction you will be able to earn good handsome of money within very few months of your joining.

How much does it cost me to join this job?

Actually we are charging $29.00 as Consultancy Fee to email you a list. But for this week, specially we are providing it for $10.00.You have to pay one time of $10.00 [No other payment other than this]. After your payment you will receive the International Advertising Websites list. You can join them for free. It is only available for our members only. They will accept you as their member. No other Home Based Internet job with this low price.

Will I receive the payment from your company?

No. You will be paid directly by the advertising websites to the address, which you mention on their registration forms. Our role is to email you a list of all the paying websites. Our motto is to save your time in searching these types of paying websites on Internet.

Is there any additional benefit if I pay your consultancy charges?

Yes. We will also inform you about the new websites with good earning opportunities. We won't charge you for that. This is an additional benefit, which you will get free of cost if you pay us now.

Is there any time limit to join this Email Reading Job?

Yes, This offer is valid for limited period only. If you join today, you have to pay $10/- only or you may have to pay $29/-

Some times international advertising Websites may stop recruiting individuals once if they reached the maximum number of peoples. So order now and avoid disappointment. We are working in First Come First Serve Basis.

How to order the package?

Use the below button to pay us and you will receive the Advertisers database to your E-mail id.

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